I’m a physics major turned programmer

Ever since I first learned how to program while taking a scientific computing for physics course, I have pursued programming as a passion, and as a career. Under Projects, you will find some of my favourite things that I have built over the years. You may find everything else on my Github and Code Pen profiles, as well as download a copy of my resume.

I strongly believe that online open education is the future of education, and one organization that I believe is leading this movement for web development is Free Code Camp. Some of my projects are those that I have developed through Free Code Camp’s Front End Development curriculum. You may view them all on my Code Pen profile.

At heart, I will always love physics. Something that I did not know going into university was how closely related computer programming and physics are, and how much programming actually goes on in physics. Ever since I first learned how to program through studying physics, I have been hooked, and as a result, some of my favourite projects are those that I have done relating to computational physics, which can again be found on my Github profile.